Red Pill, Green Pill Awakening Webinar

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    Free 60 minute Webinar 'Transcending The Red Pill'

    Wednesday October 4th 2032 @ 7 pm

    In the optional message box below:
    Please share why are you interested in attending this Free Webinar and what questions would you like addressed in the webinar?
    Also, if you are unable to attend the above date, please let us know in the message box and we will inform you when future webinars are available

    After submitting your contact details we will email you the zoom details for the webinar.
    Please share this opportunity with like minded people.

    In this webinar you will learn about:
    The mindset, leadership communication and personal transformation  insights, strategies and tools that I have used to  help some of the most authentic, awakened and pro-active doctors, scientists, legal professionals and entrepreneurs on the planet . People who have had to overcome extreme censorship and derision by the mainstream media, authorities and even their own families and friends.
    This webinar is NOT to ‘go down any rabbit holes’ such as covid, excess deaths, war, financial corruption, political corruption, climate agendas, gender politics, etc, etc we will not be discussing the evidence or trying to convince anyone that for example ’99 percent of the population have been played by the 1 percent’. The purpose of this webinar it is to help those who already realise that we have been played to deal with the mental, emotional and spiritual challenges that come with such a realisation!