Book of The Month
‘The Indoctrinated Brain’
How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom
by Neuroscientist, Dr Michael Nehls
This is the book to read if you want to know how it is possible that the famous old fable called ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ has been happening for real all around us for thousands of years!
The author of this book is a highly qualified neuroscientist who provides a neurological explanation as to how it is possible in reality to fool so many people to think that a man could stand before them who in the fable was really stark naked, but nearly all the people in the Emperor’s kingdom were fooled by some audacious propaganda into thinking that the Emperor was actually wearing a magnificent outfit of clothes!
Conspiracy facts abound!
Be warned, if you are uncomfortable reading about facts that could potentially make you feel a little foolish, the author spends the first few chapters doing just this.
Understanding the critical role of the hippocampus element of the human brain has been a lifelong endeavour of the author, who decides to illustrate the consequences of your hippocampus being hijacked via propaganda before explaining in more detail the reasons we are neurologically susceptible to be fooled by such grand lies!
He starts by explaining the proven lies that we were told by authoritarian propagandists throughout the covid-19 pandemic such as the fact that the public was clearly lied to when they were told that covid-19 came from nature! After initial denials, 3 years later, both the FBI and the CIA have recently conceded in various US government inquiries, that the covid-19 virus did in fact come from a laboratory in Wuhan that at the time was funded by the US tax payer (without the tax-payer’s knowledge).
Nehls explains, neurologically speaking, how often people with the highest mental IQs can be the easiest to fool, explaining many other grand lies that the public were told throughout covid and also at other times in history.
Until I read this book, I had no idea about the critical role the hippocampus part of our brain plays in us having greater awareness and freedom of thought and how a combination of propaganda and toxins are deployed intentionally and unintentionally to essentially hijack the normal function of the hippocampus. Not only do we lose our ability to think critically, a whole host of neurodegenerative disorders are magnified from Alzheimers and demensia to depression. The author links toxins to the full array of neurological disorders from those associated with old age to the exploding rates of autism in new borns. There has been an explosion of toxins in our environment, in our food, in pharmaceutical drugs, in ever expanding radio-active WI-Fi activities and a corresponding explosion in these neurodegenerative disorders. Alarmingly, the author presents evidence that some of these toxins are being released intentionally, and some not.
The author’s expertise in neurology sheds insights as to how fear and propaganda have been used throughout history by people with tyrannical / power agendas to influence and control how people think and their behaviours.
If you believe that everything or even most things you are told by the government, mainstream media, authorities and regulators and you don’t want to understand how such ‘trusted entities’ are able to manipulate how you think and what you think, then you may want to pass on reading this book as you will find it uncomfortable reading. However, like all good scientists, as far as I can tell, the author does appear to stick to facts that he can verify throughout the book. This book is a fascinating and worthwhile read only if you can get past those uncomfortable feelings such as; ‘oh no I can’t possibly have fallen for that!’ Or ‘Oh surely people wouldn’t lie about that!’.
Please feel free to email me your thoughts about this book.